Thursday, May 22, 2008

Knitaholics unite

Dear Friends,

I am starting this blog to unite all kintaholics. Those people how love to knit and share ideas, comments and the art of knitting.

A little about my knitting background. I learned how to knit about 5 years ago in my college dorm room. I saw a few girls in my hall knitting away and me being a person who loves to do crafts wanted to learn how to knit. So the girls who were knitting taught me know to do the knit stitch. That was the only stitch they taught me, but that did not stop me from trying to learn how to purl. I basically learned it from trial and error and from instructions from the Internet. But I some how mastered that technique and I have been knitting away. It is funny because as I would pull out my knitting projects to work on in between classes or in my dorm room, I have had a lot of people ask what I was doing, ask if i could teach them or they would say well I would not have enough patience to do something like that.

After a year or too of knitting, I was very surprised at how many people of college students were carrying around knitting needles and a ball of yarn, learning how to knit. But that was only a short lived for some people. I started to teach a few people how to knit and 1 out of the 3 actually seemed to maser the knit and purl with out giving up.

Last summer I decided to enter one of my projects I was working on into the County Fair. It is the massive full sized green blanket that is on my header. I actually got 2nd place for it and got told it was ambitious. I got 2nd because I missed cutting a few ends off and I did not know that I had to wash it.
Tip 1: If you are working with acrylic yarn, do not for get to wash and block your project so that it will look fantastic.

As a semi-newbie to knitting I did not know this.

Current Projects:
Well I have not any real projects started but I have a lot of ideas rolling around in my head. Hopefully I could decide on one and start in knitting again.

But until then Happy knitting to you all.